Just a Thought...

"It's not about surviving the storm, it's about dancing in the rain!"

Monday, December 15, 2008

Ch 7 Short Answer Questions

1. How did growing tobacco help the Virginia colony?

2. Why was it important to settlers in Virginia that they own land?

3. Why did slaves become important in Virginia?

4. How did slave owners keep enslaved Africans from revolting? Were they successful?


Sunday, December 14, 2008

Week of Dec. 15th

Assignments/Due Dates
-Social Studies Ch. 7 Test Wed. Dec. 17th
-NO spelling test

-On the night of the Christmas Program students must meet in the FIFTH GRADE CLASSROOM at 6:40 P.M.
-Bring toilet paper rolls or paper towel rolls to school on Monday

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Week of Dec. 8th- 15th

Reminders for Dec 8th-15th:

* Christmas program is approaching quickly- remind your student to get any accessories together they may need ASAP.

* Report Cards must be signed and returned by Friday Dec. 12th

* VOCABULARY unit 12 test Friday, Dec. 12th

* Reading Test over Dwaina Brooks Friday, Dec. 12th

* Your student needs either 4 toilet paper rolls or two paper towel rolls by Monday, Dec. 15th

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Week of Dec. 1st

WELCOME BACK! I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful!

This week students have:

-Spelling test over unit 11 on Friday, December 5th

This is the first full week of Trimester 2, so make sure your student starts it well!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Social Studies Ch 6 Short Answer Questions

There will be 5 short answer questions on the test. These are the four that will be given to you ahead of time. Make sure to answer each question fully and in complete sentences.

1. How were the goals of the Plymouth colonists different from the goals of the Jamestown colonists?

2. Why did the Pilgrims have a difficult time during their first year in Massachusetts?

3. Choose one of the following groups and tell how members of that group related to the Indians.
Quakers in Pennsylvania
Spanish in Mexico
Pilgrims in Massachusetts
French in Canada
4. Religious reasons brought many Spanish colonists to the Southwest and many English colonists to the Atlantic coast. How were those reasons different?

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Thanksgiving Week


-No spelling test this week
-Social Studies Ch 6 Test Wednesday, November 26th

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Computer Class 11/19/08

You are creating a word search puzzle with your vocabulary words!

Click HERE to go to the link.

Once at the link:
Click "Criss Cross"
Title your puzzle " Your Name: Vocabulary"
Leave step 2 & 3 the same
Fill in step four with your vocabulary 10 words and a synonyms to match each
Click Create My Puzzle

Print the puzzle.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Math Division Test is moved to Thursday, November 20th!!!

It will cover:
-Division vocabulary
-Division Patterns
-Three Digit Division Quotients
-Larger Quotients
-Zeros in the quotient
-Divisibility rules
-Estimation/ Compatible Numbers
-Two Digit divisors (also with larger dividends)
-Dividing with Money

Remind your students that they can do extra practice on the Math Textbook Website link on the blog.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Due Dates Thru November 24th


Spelling: Unit 10 will resume next week

Reading: Students need to have their novel completed by Nov. 14th and begin their presentations and reports. Reports and presentations due Friday, November 21st.

Math: Test Wednesday, Nov. 19th (tentatively)

SS: Students will complete their SS booklets over Ch. 5 by Friday; CH 6 Test Monday, November 24th

English: Verb Test Friday, November 21st

*Thursday, November 20th: GATEWAY TO ART

* Monday, November 24th is the last day of Trimester 1. Make sure your child has turned in all missing assignments still being accepted!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Explorer Websites

Today you will need to research the Explorers from Social Studies. Make sure to focus on Marco Polo first!
You may go to these websites to help you search for information on the explorers:
Click on the link to each site-

***Do not forget that your textbook and general encyclopedias are also a great resource to find information.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Computer Class 11/3/08

You are going to read information and do interactive Election activities today.

Click HERE to go to the link.

Follow along in class as I tell you where to go on the site.

Week of November 3rd- November 7th

*Important Assignment Dates*

Reading Quiz "The Diver and the Dolphins" : Thursday, November 6th

Spelling Test Unit 9: Friday, November 7th

English Verb Quiz: Wednesday, November 5th

Read through at least page 50 in Novel: Wednesday, November 5th

Choose Novel Presentation: Wednesday, November 5th

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Social Studies Ch. 4 Short Answer Questions

These are the four short answer questions that will be on the Ch. 4 Test Thursday. They need to be answered in 3-5 complete sentences.

1. What happened to American Indian groups as a result of the discovery of agriculture?
2. Choose one of the following pairs and explain the importance of the activity to the culture.
Anasazi- Rain Dance
Makah- Potlatch
Mississipians- River Trade
Creek- Green Corn Dance
3. Give an example from an American Indian culture to support this statement: American Indians valued their relationship with nature.
4. What did the five tribes of the Iroquois Nation gain by joining together? What can present-day groups learn from their example?

Monday, October 27, 2008

Due Dates Week of Oct. 27th

Social Studies Ch. 4 Test: Thursday, Oct. 30th
Vocabulary Unit 8 Test: Friday, Oct. 31st
Book Report Selection: Wed. Oct. 29th

HALLOWEEN PARADE 8:30 A.M. Friday, Oct. 31st
* Remember to check guidelines for appropriate Halloween Attire!

Friday, October 24, 2008

***Reminder From Room Our Parents***

A few friendly reminders from our room parents: (Please provide the following by Friday, Oct. 31st.)

1. Roster Information to Gina Delahoussaye @ gina_dela@yahoo.com

2. Donation to the Class Basket for the Casino Night Silent Auction. The basket theme is "Christmas." You can donate a Christmas item or send in $10 towards the basket. Your donation, cash or check (Payable to Gina Delahoussaye), can be sent to school with your child. Let's make the fifth grade basket great!

Thanks for your help!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Virtue Award Winner- October


The Fifth Graders being recognized for displaying our Virtue "Compassion" this month are:


Good Job! Continue to be great Christian Leaders!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Computer Class 10/20/08

Computer Class 10/20/08
You are going to create an organizational chart for your social studies notes on Microsoft Word.
1. Open Microsoft Word to a new blank document
2. Click on File
- Go to page set up
- Change the Orientation of the paper to "Landscape" Click ok
3. In size 14 , Times New Roman font type your complete heading with Social Studies being the subject.
4. Type the title "Outline for Chapter 4 Lesson 1" in Size 14, Times New Roman font and make it bold and centered.
5. Go to "Insert"
- Diagram
- Choose the "Organizational Chart" and click ok
6. Click inside of the first box and type "Chapter 4 Lesson 1 Outline" Hit return and type the title of that lesson.
7. In one box type "Vocabulary"
8. In the two remaining boxes type the Subtitles of the social studies lessons.
9. Click in the Vocabulary box and then use the formatting box to "Insert shapes" Insert 3 boxes, one for each vocabulary word. Make sure to change the layout to "hanging right".
10. In the two subtitle sections you will also insert shapes to add more information. They will also "hang right."
11. Remember that one subtitle section has another subdivision you must divide up first into two sections before you may add notes.
12. Complete the shapes and organizational chart with information from your notes.
You will Save this document on your disk in the computer lab. Remember to "Save As" and that when you it you see YOUR NAME in the "where" space before you save.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

October 14th- October 24th


* Spelling Test Unit 6 : Friday, October 17th
* Spelling Test Unit 7 : Friday, October 24th
* Math Ch. 2 Test: Wednesday, October 22nd
* English Ch. 2 Test: Friday, October 24th


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Sign of Beaver Study Tools

Practice quiz for The Sign of the Beaver test can be found at these websites:(cut/copy and paste to your browser.)


These are ONLY references and practice tools. You must read and keep up in the novel!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


October 2, 2008
Dear Parents/Guardians,

The LAX Coastal Chamber is hosting a contest this Saturday, October 4th for a Halloween Mural window painting. Many of the fifth graders expressed interest in painting a Halloween mural on the window. As a class, some students created a sketch to have in the contest, and I am glad to announce that they chose us to participate. This does mean that I will need some of the students who expressed interest to come join in on Saturday. There is a cash prize for the winners of the contest that day.
I will be at the location all day, so please do not feel like you will have to spend your day painting windows! However, if you would like to stay you are more than welcome to. The contest is from 10am to 4pm on Saturday. The address we will paint at is 9100 S. Sepulveda Blvd. Ste. 210 Westchester, CA 90045. If your child can help even for a few hours I know our class would love to be able to take home a cash prize for our artistic hard work and be proud of the hard work on the window painting!
Please let me know if your child will be coming. We will NOT be able to paint unless we have enough for a team! Your student will just need to bring a lunch or money for lunch. All other supplies will be at the site for us. Please return this or email me ASAP if your student is interested, so that I can get some type of count. If you have any questions, please email me, and I will be glad to answer them.

Miss Carter

______Yes, my child will be able to help paint!

Student Name ___________________________________

Parent Signature _________________________________

Week of October 6th

We will be finishing up the ITBS and CoGAT testing this week! We WILL start back full force in other subjects too. Prospective major due dates are as follows:

Social Studies: Ch. 3 test- Friday
The Sign of the Beaver: Final Test- Friday
Spelling: Unit 5 test- Friday

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Computer Class- October 1st

Good Afternoon! You are going to type a minimum of one paragraph about any topic you want. You must follow all directions exactly as written. Include at least FIVE of the vocabulary words listed below. You will print this out and turn it in for a grade.

-Open a new blank document on Microsoft Word

-- Use size 14, and Comic Sans font type

- Type your complete correct heading with the subject as “Vocabulary”

-On the next line type your Title as “Correct Word Usage”
-Highlight your title
-Go to the “alignment” tab on the formatting palette and click center
-Highlight and make the title bold

- On the next line (make sure you are left aligned again) begin typing your paragraph.
- Indent your paragraph
- Include FIVE of the words listed below, exactly as they are written.
You may use it more than once, but you must use five different words total
- Underline each word as you use it

Vocabulary List

- Go to the top and click on “Insert”
- Click on “picture”
- Click from “clip art”
-Choose any picture to match your story and insert it at the bottom of
your page

- DO NOT SAVE YOUR PAPER! Go to “File” and “Print”

-Exit Microsoft word once you have completed the assignment and printed. Go to www.sheppardsoftware.com and practice your states.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Sign of the Beaver- Final Test


The final exam on The Sign of the Beaver will be comprehensive. It will consist of multiple choice, true/false, and short answer questions.


Monday, September 29, 2008


-Go to Microsoft Word
- Start a new blank document

- Head your paper just like a class paper with the subject being Social Studies and title is “State Table”
-Use size 12 font; Times New Roman
- Click on the tab that says “Table” at the top
- go to “insert”
- “table”
- under the “column” section change it to 4
- under the “row” section change it to 6
- click ok

-Click your cursor into the first column and type “STATE” in bold and capital letters
- In the second column type “CAPITOL” in capital and bold
- In the third column type “FLOWER” in capital and bold
-In the last column type “ANIMAL” in capital and bold

- In the “State” column choose 5 states in the US. Type one in each row.
- In the “Capitol” column fill in the capitols for each of those states.
- In the “Flower” column fill in the flower for each state.
- In the “Animal” column fill in the state animal.

**To find any information about a state you may use: www.wikipedia.org


ITBS testing begins this week! Make sure your students are prepared for the test each day by doing these things:

- Appropriate amount of restful sleep each night
- Good healthy breakfast
- Encourage and remind your student to stay focused
- Remind your student NOT TO RUSH!!!

5th graders take the ITBS standard tests and also the CoGAT test. This means testing will continue through next week.

*Spelling/Vocabulary test on Friday will be the only test this week.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Tests Week of September 22nd!!!

TESTS for the Week of September 22nd!!!

Math Chapter 1: Thursday, September 25th
Spelling Unit 3: Thursday, September 25th

Social Studies Ch. 2 Final Assessment (not test): Tuesday, September 23rd
Sign of the Beaver Read THROUGH Chapter 12 by Monday, September 22nd

Best of Luck!

Friday, September 12, 2008

"The Sign of the Beaver" Quiz

Monday, September 15th quiz over chapters 1-6

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Make sure to turn in the assignment paper along with the family tree!

"Sign of the Beaver"

Students are beginning their first novel of the year! They voted between two books and chose "The Sign of the Beaver." It is a tale of a young boy's trials and tribulations of being left alone in the woods back in the 1700's. The students will be creating their own miniature story book of the novel to read for the first graders during reading buddies.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Welcome 2008-2009 Fifth Graders!
I know there has been some confusion about school supplies for the upcoming school year. We were NOT able to register at Office Depot and Staples, but I AM registered at Target. You can find my list if you search by my first name (Summer) and my last name.

*Note that I do NOT want you to get accordions this year!!! You need a binder with 8 tab dividers with pockets.

You can look at the list online at Target.com
Then go to "Target Lists"
Type in Summer Carter

This will show you an online list of items to help you where ever you choose to buy your supplies!

I hope your summer was great! I am looking forward to meeting you all!

Miss Carter

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Plot Charts

Need help remembering how to make a reading plot chart? Want to make a plot chart that looks great on the computer? Click on this link to help you create your own reading plot chart!


Fraction Game Websites

Let's Practice our fractions at home by playing games! Go to the Links below to take you to fraction games!




Sunday, January 27, 2008

Book Report Presentations

Students just completed their written book reports, and they presented them with a visual. Each student chose their own book and type of presentation. Good Job!

Find The State Game!

Students, go to www.sheppardsoftware.com to practice placing the states in their correct locations!