Just a Thought...

"It's not about surviving the storm, it's about dancing in the rain!"

Monday, September 29, 2008


-Go to Microsoft Word
- Start a new blank document

- Head your paper just like a class paper with the subject being Social Studies and title is “State Table”
-Use size 12 font; Times New Roman
- Click on the tab that says “Table” at the top
- go to “insert”
- “table”
- under the “column” section change it to 4
- under the “row” section change it to 6
- click ok

-Click your cursor into the first column and type “STATE” in bold and capital letters
- In the second column type “CAPITOL” in capital and bold
- In the third column type “FLOWER” in capital and bold
-In the last column type “ANIMAL” in capital and bold

- In the “State” column choose 5 states in the US. Type one in each row.
- In the “Capitol” column fill in the capitols for each of those states.
- In the “Flower” column fill in the flower for each state.
- In the “Animal” column fill in the state animal.

**To find any information about a state you may use: www.wikipedia.org