Computer Class 10/20/08
You are going to create an organizational chart for your social studies notes on Microsoft Word.
1. Open Microsoft Word to a new blank document
2. Click on File
- Go to page set up
- Change the Orientation of the paper to "Landscape" Click ok
3. In size 14 , Times New Roman font type your complete heading with Social Studies being the subject.
4. Type the title "Outline for Chapter 4 Lesson 1" in Size 14, Times New Roman font and make it bold and centered.
5. Go to "Insert"
- Diagram
- Choose the "Organizational Chart" and click ok
6. Click inside of the first box and type "Chapter 4 Lesson 1 Outline" Hit return and type the title of that lesson.
7. In one box type "Vocabulary"
8. In the two remaining boxes type the Subtitles of the social studies lessons.
9. Click in the Vocabulary box and then use the formatting box to "Insert shapes" Insert 3 boxes, one for each vocabulary word. Make sure to change the layout to "hanging right".
10. In the two subtitle sections you will also insert shapes to add more information. They will also "hang right."
11. Remember that one subtitle section has another subdivision you must divide up first into two sections before you may add notes.
12. Complete the shapes and organizational chart with information from your notes.
You will Save this document on your disk in the computer lab. Remember to "Save As" and that when you it you see YOUR NAME in the "where" space before you save.