Just a Thought...

"It's not about surviving the storm, it's about dancing in the rain!"

Monday, December 15, 2008

Ch 7 Short Answer Questions

1. How did growing tobacco help the Virginia colony?

2. Why was it important to settlers in Virginia that they own land?

3. Why did slaves become important in Virginia?

4. How did slave owners keep enslaved Africans from revolting? Were they successful?


Sunday, December 14, 2008

Week of Dec. 15th

Assignments/Due Dates
-Social Studies Ch. 7 Test Wed. Dec. 17th
-NO spelling test

-On the night of the Christmas Program students must meet in the FIFTH GRADE CLASSROOM at 6:40 P.M.
-Bring toilet paper rolls or paper towel rolls to school on Monday

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Week of Dec. 8th- 15th

Reminders for Dec 8th-15th:

* Christmas program is approaching quickly- remind your student to get any accessories together they may need ASAP.

* Report Cards must be signed and returned by Friday Dec. 12th

* VOCABULARY unit 12 test Friday, Dec. 12th

* Reading Test over Dwaina Brooks Friday, Dec. 12th

* Your student needs either 4 toilet paper rolls or two paper towel rolls by Monday, Dec. 15th

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Week of Dec. 1st

WELCOME BACK! I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful!

This week students have:

-Spelling test over unit 11 on Friday, December 5th

This is the first full week of Trimester 2, so make sure your student starts it well!