Just a Thought...

"It's not about surviving the storm, it's about dancing in the rain!"

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010

Computer Lab 5/17/10

Today you need to:

-Check a library book if you do not have one

-Click on the link below and practice your states locations for 10 minutes
States Locations Link

-Click on the link below and practice your capitals until you get them all right on the FIRST TRY
States Capitals Link

-You may go to Sheppards Sofware after or return to the States game on this site

* This is independent practice!

Monday, May 10, 2010

8th Grade Play


I appreciate all of the help from parents, faculty, friends, and of course the students! With out you it would not have been such the success that it was! It was a pleasure to work with everyone of you, and I am proud of all the students for their hard work! I would appreciate and love to see any great pictures and moments captured during the play!


Miss Carter

Week of May 10th

Assignment Due Dates

Math- Multiplying and dividing decimal test Wed. May 12th
Group Project assigned-due WED. JUNE 2nd

English- start learning 30 common prepositions

Social Studies- State Test #4 Friday
Ch 10 test Thursday
Final State test over all states NEXT Friday

No spelling test this week

Monday, April 19, 2010

Week of April 19th

Assignment Due Dates:

English: Memorize Poem and create illustration (about half the size of a poster board) due THURS.

Social Studies: Quiz over the Western and Southwestern States Friday; Ch 9 test mid-next week

No Spelling Test this week!

Math Ch. 9 test- Tuesday, April 27th

*Remember that the Carnival is this weekend!!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Assignments week of 3/22

Due Dates
Spelling- Test over next 18 States Friday
Math- CH 7 Test Thursday
Reading- "The Memory Box" Test Friday
Social Studies- Begin research for your state! DUE APRIL 15th!
*GTA- Friday March 26th

Monday, March 1, 2010

Week of March 1st

Assignment Due Dates

Reading: Selection Test Thursday

Social Studies: Know ALL President's by WEDNESDAY! President Songs Due FRIDAY!

Spelling: Spelling test Friday

English: Adj. test Thursday

* Friday is "Color Wars" Our class can be in non-uniform dress and the color for 5th grade is YELLOW! Lets try to get our whole class wearing YELLOW!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Computer Class 2/17/10

In class today, use the link below to research milestones in Black History. Create FIVE questions about the section you were assigned on Microsoft Word with the answers with them. There should be at least one true/false question, one short answer question and one question that is multiple choice. The other two may be any type that you choose.

Black History Month Timeline

Put your complete heading(social studies) and the title is the Section with date that you were assigned. PRINT and hand in.

Next, you may work on the vocabulary website practicing your spelling words for the week.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

President Research

Try these websites as a resource for your President research. Remember to use multiple sites and books to find your information.

President site 1

President site 2

President site 3

Have your notes organized and ready to typed IN CLASS on Monday, Feb. 22nd

Week of Feb. 15th

Assignment Due Dates:

Reading: FINAL DRAFT book report due THURSDAY!

Spelling: Unit 13-16 spelling test Friday

Math: Ch 6 lesson 9-12 quiz Friday

Social Studies: President Research due Monday the 22nd

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Computer 2/10/10

Vocabulary Practice

Today you will practice your vocabulary words online with a variety of methods. Click on the site below and you may go to any of these links:

- Hangman (unit 16)
- Crossword puzzles (13-16)
-Word Search (Grade 5) (Units 13-16 any game)
-Word scramble (unit 16)
-Antonyms (unit 16)
-Synonyms (unit 16)


Monday, February 8, 2010

Computer- Hurricane Research

To help you with your hurricane research, begin with these sites. You may use google and search within other encyclopedias and indexes.

You need to take notes on where, when, the path (where it started and ended), damages, and unique information. We will continue the project on Tuesday.

National Hurricane Center


Hurricane Preparedness

Encyclopedia Britannica

***Do NOT take all of your information from just ONE site.

Week of Feb. 8th

Assignment Due Dates
Reading: "Fury of a Hurricane" test Thursday; continue working on timeline of book report; Work on Hurricane project due Friday (research only on Monday; additional info on Tuesday)
Social Studies: Open book ch. 7 Test Tuesday
Spelling/Vocab: Unit 16 test Friday
Math: Ch 6 quiz Wed.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Assignments from Jan. 18th- 29th
Reading- Continue reading the novel for your book report. You should have it completed by Jan. 30th. You should be filling in the worksheets AS YOU READ! Stay on track with the given timeline.
Social Studies- Ch. 6 Test Thursday, Jan. 21st
English- Test over Pronouns Thursday, Jan. 28th
Math- Quiz over Subtracting fractions ch 5 lesson 6-9 Thursday, Jan. 21st; Ch. 5 Test Tuesday, Jan. 26th
Spelling- Spelling test over Unit 13 Friday, Jan. 22nd
* Gateway to Art- Friday, Jan. 22nd @ 8:30AM
* Remember to continue donating to the Pennies for Patients fundraiser!