Just a Thought...

"It's not about surviving the storm, it's about dancing in the rain!"

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Welcome 2008-2009 Fifth Graders!
I know there has been some confusion about school supplies for the upcoming school year. We were NOT able to register at Office Depot and Staples, but I AM registered at Target. You can find my list if you search by my first name (Summer) and my last name.

*Note that I do NOT want you to get accordions this year!!! You need a binder with 8 tab dividers with pockets.

You can look at the list online at Target.com
Then go to "Target Lists"
Type in Summer Carter

This will show you an online list of items to help you where ever you choose to buy your supplies!

I hope your summer was great! I am looking forward to meeting you all!

Miss Carter